Cancellation Policy: Registrants can cancel their Global Pickleball Training Academy enrollment 14 or more days prior to the camp and still receive a 90% refund or 100% future camp credit.

If a registrant cancels between seven and fourteen days of the camp start date , due to travel issues, personal matters, illness, or any other, they will receive either a 50% credit card refund or 100% future camp credit.

If a registrant cancels within seven days of the camp start date , due to travel issues, personal matters, illness, or any other, they will receive a 100% future camp credit.


Cancellation Policy due to weather

In the event of a camp cancellation due to rain or inclement weather, Global Pickleball Training Academy will not be held responsible for the cancellation. Participants will receive a credit toward a future camp within the next twelve (12) months. This credit may be applied to any available camp session of equal or lesser value within this timeframe.

If a participant is unable to attend another camp within the twelve-month period, they will be eligible for a full refund upon request. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we strive to provide the best possible training experience.

Pandemic or Unforeseen Cancellation Circumstances: If a camp needs to be delayed due to an unforeseen circumstance such as a pandemic, your full credit will be held by Global Pickleball Training Academy until the camp date is rescheduled (within 12 months). If the student cannot make the make-up date, a full refund will be issued at that time.